by | Sep 7, 2022 | Girl Scouts
Pari Shah, a junior at Canyon High school and a Girl Scout Juliet successfully earned her gold award by implementing our innovative Brain-Based EQ program. Our Brain-Based EQ program was implemented with three elementary schools in the Orange Unified School District:...
by | Aug 17, 2022 | Parent-Child Relationships, Parenting Strategies, Positive Parenting
Many parents believe that praise helps children with their self-esteem and confidence. However, the research reveals that too much praise could also make children narcissistic. In addition, with constant praise, children often engage in activities to seek their...
by | Aug 17, 2022 | Parent-Child Relationships, Positive Parenting
What is Active Listening? Sometimes, parents think that they are listening but they may interject before their child has completed their thoughts in various ways. They may finish off a sentence for their child because they are in a hurry. They may reassure their child...
by | Jul 21, 2022 | Free Worksheets, Holi, Kids activities
Teaching children about… Holi, The Festival of Colors Overall Goal: Children will learn how, when, and why Indian-American families celebrate Holi, The Festival of Colors. Materials/Resources: Children’s Book: It’s Time for Holi! (provided)Book Trailer:...
by | Jul 21, 2022 | Diwali, Free Worksheets
Teaching children about… Diwali, The Festival of Lights Overall Goal: Children will learn how, when, and why Indian-American families celebrate Diwali, The Festival of Lights. Materials/Resources: Book Trailer:...
by | Jul 20, 2020 | Bubbles, Don't Let Emotions Get the Best of You, Kids activities, Mindfulness, Self-Regulation
Check out this simple mindfulness activity for kids. In social edge, students learn about their mind bubbles and how each thought or feeling that comes up is like a bubble that will eventually POP in their mind. For this activity, children can either blow colored...
by | Jul 20, 2020 | Balloons, Kids activities, News & Updates, Positive Affirmation, Positive Mindset, You Are What You Think
In our classes, each student creates their own personal, unique positive affirmation. The students learn that with positive affirmations they can train their subconscious mind to think in positive ways. We each created a positive affirmation balloon and practiced...
by | Jul 20, 2020 | Brain, Kids activities, Neuroscience, News & Updates, Playdough
We empower children to learn about the brain and to develop their self-command muscle. Creating a model of the brain helps children process how the brain guides everything that they do: their body’s movement, decision making, and emotions! This empowers kids to...
by | Jul 20, 2020 | Anger, Emotions, Feelings, Kids experiments, Name it to Tame it, News & Updates, Primary emotions, Secondary emotions, Self-Awareness
In My Social Edge classes, kids learn that anger is often a secondary emotion that stems from a primary emotion like sadness, rejection, or loneliness. Check out our Anger is Like a Volcano experiment which demonstrates to kids that they can erupt if they don’t...