
We prepare your child for life ahead by teaching them how to recognize & express emotions in healthy ways.

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Benefits of a Higher EQ in Kids

By teaching Emotional Intelligence (EQ) development for kids, we are giving them critical tools they can use to recognize how they feel, express those emotions in healthy ways and prepare for life ahead. Below are just a few benefits of children with higher EQ.

Growth Mindset

Develop a positive growth mindset


Become more confident and self-motivated

Better Communication

Communicate more effectively

Less Stress

Experience less stress, anxiety and depression

Higher Performance

Perform better in school or work projects

Stronger Relationships

Develop meaningful relationships with family and friends


What Our Families are Saying

I am so glad I had my son enrolled in this class! I am amazed at how quickly he absorbed the concepts that were taught and re-enforced through the various games and activities in class. After only the first few classes, I clearly noticed a change in his coping and communication skills. He was able to identify and communicate his feelings better, and had shorter and less severe meltdowns. I couldn’t believe that a few classes could make such a difference!


Eva Petrova-Ibarria | Dublin, CA

“My daughter Aliya looked forward to this class every week! Dr. Shah did a great job of having the kids learn interesting topics (e.g., subconscious mind) and do interactive, hands-on activities for each class session. This class has helped her develop life-long skills! She now understands why it’s important to get a snack when she is hungry and has a cool-down routine in place for when she gets upset! She is also motivated to pursue her goals because of her vision board”


Nimita Patel | Yorba Linda, CA

Dr. Shah- What you have taught them is very powerful, which will help them throughout their life. Thank you for what you do — for making a difference in children’s lives


– Juliet PunzalanDublin, CA

Brain-Based EQ Online Workshop for Kids

This online training will prepare your child for life ahead by teaching them the 5 key pillars of Emotional Intelligence. 

Using an interactive, fun, and engaging approach, your child will become more self aware and more self confident, empowering them to lead happy, healthy, and more meaningful lives.

Services We Offer

Online Learning

We offer an online, self-paced Brain-Based EQ for Kids! Workshop that consists of 10 Units and 22 Lessons. This program is for children ages 7-12.

School Workshops

We offer engaging, and hands-on EQ workshops for preschools, schools, and community-based organizations.

Parenting Workshops

We offer a range of parenting workshops to help parents implement the best parenting style and practices to meet the academic, social, and emotional needs of their children.


We enjoy speaking about Brain-Based EQ, Brain-Based Life Hacks and best contemporary parenting practices. Dr. Amita Roy Shah also visits schools, libraries, and museums for interactive readings of her children’s books.

Download This Free Activity To Play With Your Child

A feelings wheel is a fun way to help your child understand & express their emotions. Enter your email address below to join our mailing list and receive this guide with two activities you can do right now!

My Social Edge partners with the non-profit Akhila Health to provide marginalized, vulnerable women with free emotional intelligence (EQ) programs for stress management every month. This empowers them to uncover their best selves and make positive transformations in their lives.